The Wedding Biz welcomes Joe Goldblatt to the show. Joe is a true pioneer and icon of the event industry; he owned The Wonder Company for over 20 years before selling it. He has written, edited, or co-authored 38 books, including the first textbook in the event industry. He founded ISES, the International Special Events Society that is now known as ILEA, the International Live Events Association, and created the CSEP Program, Certified Special Events Professional. And as a teacher, Joe taught over 10,000 students.
Joe believes that we need to spend time working on our businesses as well as working in our businesses. And do you thoroughly research and evaluate your projects? Joe tells us that these two go hand in hand and are critical when planning exceptional events. He speaks to us about the organization he created and the reason he believes that events have a logical connection to fields like anthropology, theology, sociology, and technology. He also tells us how we can approach the fear of economic health.
Joe has a profound knowledge of the event industry and business in general. Listen in as he tells us why he believes we are on the cusp of what he terms a Platinum Age, an era of great possibility with technology and a generation with big hearts and a conviction to learn. This episode is different from all others. It will leave you in awe of Joe and what he has accomplished and continues to accomplish. You don’t want to miss what he has to say.
Show Highlights:
[03:03] Welcome to the show, Joe!
[03:53] Joe tells a story about being a hippie at Woodstock in 1969.
[05:54] When did you know you wanted to be in the event industry?
[08:00] He speaks about a quote by George Bernard Shaw and what it means to him.
[10:32] Joe talks about some of the 10,000 students he has taught over the years.
[13:09] The needs of the audience must be perfectly aligned with the delivery of the event.
[14:32] Joe feels like people spend too much time working in the business and not on the business.
[15:42] He says everyone needs to take a step back every 2 to 3 years to get away alone, reflect, and get inspired.
[18:52] Have you ever tested a hypothesis on your trusted group?
[20:20] Research and evaluation are two of the most important things you can do when taking on new projects and planning an event.
[23:36] Joe discusses the organization he started, ILEA – previously known as ISES – the research he did for it, and how they structured it.
[27:37] In events, there is a logical and essential connection to more established fields of study like sociology, anthropology, theology, and technology.
[30:18] How should we approach fear when it comes to our economic health?
[32:43] Joe speaks about Naseem Talib and the book he wrote, The Joy Of Life, A Memoir. Have you heard the term “Black Swan Theory?”
[34:56] Everyone should have a rainy day fund, and especially small businesses.
[38:00] Joe believes that we are on the cusp of a platinum age because of the potential of technology.
[38:38] Thank you on behalf of the industry for all you have done.
[39:06] If you would like to purchase one of Joe’s books with a personal inscription, please see the link below.
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Title Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by PartySlate – the first website designed specifically for event professionals and venues!
Joe Goldblatt
Joe Goldblatt – Website
Joe Goldblatt – Blog
The True Joy of Life, A Memoir by Joe Goldblatt – Paperback or E-book
Rita Bloom on The Wedding Biz
Angelo Bonitez
The Black Swan: The Impact of The Highly Probable by Nassim Talib