41 Sean Low: The Business of Being Creative

41 Sean Low: The Business of Being Creative

When innate creativity and business collide, the world benefits from the amazing products and services those businesses provide. Creative businesses aren’t easily defined and many times, don’t fit neatly into established business niches. This episode will provide...
40 Nikki Khan: Creating Exquisite South Asian Weddings

40 Nikki Khan: Creating Exquisite South Asian Weddings

So far on the Wedding Biz, we have had multiple perspectives on planning and executing traditional Western weddings. Therefore, I am incredibly thrilled to bring you Nikki Khan, founder of L.A-based Exquisite Events. Nikki has found her place as the luxury wedding...
39 Pauline Parry: The Masterful Orchestration of Good Gracious Events

39 Pauline Parry: The Masterful Orchestration of Good Gracious Events

Wedding planning, production, and design seem to require a bit of tenacity. To make it in the wedding and event industry, you have to be willing to take a risk and execute a vision. It turns out that you also need to be a bit opportunistic and ready to jump when the...
38 Wombi Rose: Shark Tank, LovePop & Inspiration

38 Wombi Rose: Shark Tank, LovePop & Inspiration

When it comes to luxury weddings and events, every detail can become a work of art. Today, I am talking all about business with Wombi Rose, CEO of Lovepop. Lovepop specializes in 3D greeting cards that are truly works of art. Whether it is a card for someone you love...
37 Debbie Geller: Creating Legacy Clients

37 Debbie Geller: Creating Legacy Clients

It takes a certain level of skill, a problem-solving attitude, and more than a dash of creativity to throw a spectacular wedding. Between coordinating the client’s vision, compiling vendor partners, troubleshooting setup, and sending the bride down the aisle, wedding...