413 LAURIE ARONS: Overcoming the Obstacles of a Challenging Year

413 LAURIE ARONS: Overcoming the Obstacles of a Challenging Year

Joining Andy today is returning guest Laurie Arons of Laurie Arons Special Events! Laurie founded her company in 1994 and has been featured in numerous magazine publications. She has also been listed in Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, and Martha Stewart Weddings as one...
412 KT MERRY: Implementing Adventure, Purpose, & Soul

412 KT MERRY: Implementing Adventure, Purpose, & Soul

Andy is joined today by KT Merry of KT Photography! KT has been recognized for her industry excellence by top media outlets such as Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue, and she has built a thriving and very profitable business that allows her to also pursue her passion...
411 REVISIT: Brett Culp – Obstacle Or Opportunity

411 REVISIT: Brett Culp – Obstacle Or Opportunity

What does leadership mean to you? Leadership has many meanings, and everyone may have their own perspective on it. Today’s guest, Brett Culp,  has a wonderful point of view on leadership and has built an amazing foundation for his life. Brett had a very successful...