258 MEGHAN ELY: PR, Getting Published And More!

258 MEGHAN ELY: PR, Getting Published And More!

“Advertising says hey I’m great, PR is when somebody else says you are great.” Listen as Andy and his guest Meghan Ely discuss what this means and how important it is to have the recognition if you are interested in being published. Meghan shares a simple formula that...
256 BILL BAKER: Storytelling to Persuade, Influence and Inspire

256 BILL BAKER: Storytelling to Persuade, Influence and Inspire

When you hear a story, does it engage your brain? Listen as Andy and his guest Bill Baker discuss how to use storytelling in your communication to persuade, influence, and inspire people and the importance of making sure that your team, creative partners, and clients...
254 STEVE KEMBLE: America’s Sassiest Lifestyle Guru

254 STEVE KEMBLE: America’s Sassiest Lifestyle Guru

How about a jungle-themed corporate event with elephant rides? Listen to Andy and his guest Steve Kemble, who is known as “America’s Sassiest Lifestyle Guru,” as they discuss how he takes a client’s idea and creates a fabulous event. Steve shares one of his...